March 21, 2022
We are overjoyed to announce that as of March 21st, 2022, the Kiwanis Nursing Home will be open to visitors once again.
Now that the outbreak has been declared over, we will be following the rules for homes that are not in outbreak status. These regulations are the most relaxed that we have encountered in quite some time and are a welcomed change.
• General visitors are no longer required to show proof of vaccination.
• Medical grade masks are required in resident and common areas. With the permission of your loved one, visitors may remove masks while in resident rooms.
• Visitors are not required to POCT (rapid) test prior to entering the home.
• Residents are able to participate in visitation off site.
• No age restrictions for visitors, children are more than welcome.
• There are no limitations on the number of visitors at a resident can have at one time.
We are so happy to welcome you back to the residents home again. We have sincerely missed the involvement of our community over the past 2 long years. Please be safe, stay healthy, and cherish these precious moments together.
January 26, 2022
Day 10 Test Results
Our day 10 testing happened on Saturday, January 22, 2022, and there is one resident who had a positive result for COVID-19. As we still have one resident who is positive, the nursing home’s outbreak status will remain in place for the time being.
Although the goal is to have everyone COVID free, we are very pleased that the measures we have taken are paying off and that we had only one positive test.
I would like to acknowledge the team here at Kiwanis Nursing Home for all the hard work they have put into protecting the residents and keeping them safe. It is a much bigger task than you can likely imagine and, although they do it as a matter of course, they deserve to be recognized for how wonderful they really are!
We really miss the community and, I hope, I will soon be writing to say that our outbreak is over.
January 21, 2022
End of Week Update
As we head into the weekend, I wanted to provide another update on the COVID-19 outbreak at Kiwanis Nursing Home. There are 6 residents and 9 staff who have tested positive. If your family member was impacted, you would have received a call directly from the nursing home staff.
Those residents who were the first to test positive are nearing the 10-day mark and if testing tomorrow results in a negative test for them, they will soon be out of isolation. Although, the home remains closed until all residents are in the clear, this will be an important first step to getting us there.
A BIG thank you to all the families who have been supporting their loved ones and the staff from beyond the walls. We have received flowers, donations, and treats over the past week for both residents and staff and are very grateful for your actions. We feel very lucky to have such a supportive community!
January 12, 2022
End of Day Update
As reported this morning KNH has two staff with positive test results for COVID-19. There have been no cases of COVID-19 identified in residents.
We are now working under the direction of Public Health, and today all of our residents were tested for COVID-19. We will wait for results, which could take several days. As soon as those results are back families will be updated.
All wings of the home are under isolation protocols. The staff are doing their best to encourage, comfort, and entertain our residents. Many residents had the opportunity to place calls or have “video visits” with family members today, and the falling snow outside made it a little easier to cozy in.
As more information becomes available, updates will go out. Thank you for all the support that we have been receiving from families and the community. It is very much appreciated!
January 12, 2022
Notification of COVID Cases
KNH has two staff with positive test results for COVID-19. We have not had any residents with positive tests. At this time the entire home is in isolation, and we are awaiting further direction from public health.
No visitors, volunteers, or DSPs will be allowed to enter Kiwanis Nursing Home at this time.
Unless you have an urgent communication, please refrain from contacting the nursing home as the additional workload for the care staff during isolation measures are enormous and it is important that their time is directed to the resident’s care.
I know this difficult information to receive. Please know that we are working together as a team to keep your loved ones, and each other, safe. The Kiwanis staff is professional, hard working, dedicated, and well prepared to respond to a COVID situation.
There will be further updates as things develop.
December 7, 2021
Holiday Visits
As we approach the holidays, and our region continues to have high number of COVID-19 cases we have concerns for the safety of our residents during the holiday season when travel and holiday visits among families in the community will increase.
Effective Monday, December 13th we will be limiting visitors to Designated Support Persons. The end date is to be determined and will depend on factors in the community as the holidays progress, however it is not anticipated that regular visits will begin again before the New Year.
Christmas Activities
All of the activities on the December schedule will still take place as planned, however only DSPs will be able to attend. Be sure to check out the events happening every day in December on the calendar left with your resident or available on the website under Activity Calendar.
One event that we would especially like help from the DSPs for is the Christmas parade. On Friday, December 17th at 2:00 pm a Christmas Parade will take place in the hallways of the nursing home. Residents and their wheels and walkers will be decked out for the holidays! The more DSPs who are able to assist with their resident that day, the more residents we will be able to have participate, so please plan to join us!
Opening of Gifts
Designated Support Persons (DSPs) please let Pat or Angela, our activities staff, know you plan to come into the home and open gifts with your loved one, or if they would prefer to have your family member open gifts Christmas morning when other residents are opening. If we know you and your resident plan to visit later in the day for gift opening, we will do our best to ensure the gifts are held until your visit.
Fun and Fitness is Inclusive
We received a suggestion in the comment box this month to include residents who are in wheelchairs in the exercise classes. The best part about this suggestion is that we already do! However, based on the comment received we became aware that some families may not know this. Many of the exercises are led from the seated position and all are designed so that everyone can participate in the fun! We will post some photos on the Facebook page soon so that you can see the residents in action!
November 9, 2021
Office Hours Returning to 8 am – 5 pm
For some time now the office has been open extended hours to accommodate access for family members to visit during the evenings. Access cards have now been issued to Designated Support Persons (DSPs) to allow them access to the home from 8 am – 8 pm every day of the week, including weekends. If you plan on visiting with a designated support person after hours or on the weekend, the DSP can allow entry to another visitor if you have been issued a green visitors card and have it with you.
With this measure in place to allow for after-hours entry, commencing this week we are returning to our usual office hours of 8 am – 5 pm.
Designated Support Persons can get their COVID Booster
As a Designated Support Person, you are an important part of the care team for your resident and the province has recognized this also!
Designated support persons that have an interval of at least six months since receiving their second dose of vaccine are now eligible to receive a booster “third” does of COVID vaccine. Booster doses are available at Regional Health Authority clinics and local pharmacies. Proof of vaccination must be brought to the appointment.
Suggestion Box
A suggestion box has been installed in our main hallway beside the Resident Room # Boards. This suggestion box is for staff, residents, and family members. To ensure privacy the box is locked, and your name is optional on the suggestion forms. Please submit suggestions as often as you would like and encourage others to use it as well.
The suggestions will be gathered and reviewed on a monthly basis by the office. Depending on the nature of the suggestion, it will go to the appropriate department or to the leadership team to be considered and responded to.
October 25, 2021
Re-opening to visitors
Kiwanis Nursing Home is happy to report that we are reopening to visitors on Tuesday, October 26th. Although our visiting hours are not restricted, screening to ensure visitors are fully vaccinated is still required at the front door, thus hours of entry are as follows:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8 am – 8 pm
Friday 8 am – 5 pm
Saturday, Sunday Closed to visitors
Access Cards for Designated Support Persons
Kiwanis Nursing Home will be making access cards available that allow entry to the nursing home at any time for designated support persons. These cards may be used for entry into the nursing home during the day, after hours, and on the weekends. There is a $20 charge to cover the cost of the card and card set-up.
If you would like to pre-arrange for a card please call Jane at 432-3118 extension 106 and leave your name and number, and she can have a card programmed for you to pick up during your next visit to the home. Alternatively, you can stop by the office to request a card on your next visit.

October 22, 2021
This photo is of some of our dedicated staff wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Full PPE includes gown, gloves, face mask and goggles. The care team has been "suiting-up" every time they enter and exit a resident's room to provide them with care, to respond to a call bell, to bring them a meal, to clean their rooms, or to carry out activities with them.
The staff have donned and doffed the full PPE armour 100’s of times a day, every day since we first got word that a staff member had tested positive for COVID-19. They have done this as a matter of course, and with competence and professionalism. And they have done so much more that. Meals individually trayed, additional cleaning, paperwork for reporting to Public Health, and on and on.
The reason the staff has tirelessly taken all these steps is that they care about our residents, and they desperately wanted the news that I am to share with you today to be good news. And it is!
Kiwanis Nursing Home has completed the final round of COVID-19 testing on Residents and staff as directed by Public Health and all test results are negative.
The home remains under the direction of Public Health. Isolation for the residents and staff affected will continue until Monday, October 25, 2021, at midnight. At that time, if Public Health is satisfied that all is well, we hope to be able to reopen to visitors!
Stay tuned. We will make an announcement as soon as we know when we can reopen!
October 16, 2021
I am very please to be posting very good news! COVID-19 test results are back for all residents and staff that were tested under the direction of Public Health and all results are negative.
However, the home will remain closed to visitors until at least Monday, October 25, 2021, as we have been directed by Public Health to do additional testing after a period of time. The home will not reopen to visitors until all testing is completed and negative results have been confirmed.
Given this, the activities staff will be altering the schedule for next week. Unfortunately, the quilt show planned for October 20th and 21st will not be held.
Families who would like to arrange day-time window visits next week are encouraged to call 434-4929 between 8 am – 4 pm. The activities staff will be happy to help you set something up. As there are only 2 activities directors and many more residents than that, you may need to leave a message and wait for your call to be returned. We thank you in advance for your understanding and are looking forward to when we can welcome you back into the home.
Nola Carr, Administrator
Kiwanis Nursing Home
October 15, 2021
Daily Update
This is a follow up to yesterday’s notice that the home has had a staff member test positive for COVID-19 and that, as directed by Public Health, additional staff and residents were being tested. I would like to let friends and families know that we are currently waiting for the test results. The nursing home remains closed to visitors, including designated support persons.
Residents and staff are appreciative of all the support we have received from the community and want to say thank you! Although missing loved one’s visits, the residents are doing well and the staff have truly been amazing, going above and beyond to keep everyone safe and supported.
As information becomes available regarding test results and outbreak status it will be shared with families without delay.
Nola Carr, Administrator
Kiwanis Nursing Home
October 14, 2021
The Kiwanis Nursing Home has had a staff member test positive for COVID-19 and Public Health has been notified. No residents have tested positive for COVID-19.
Staff and residents, as directed by Public Health, are currently undergoing testing. As a result the home is closed to all visitors, including designated support persons.
Although I understand this news is unsettling, I want to assure you that Kiwanis Nursing Home is prepared and our COVID-19 response has been implemented. Please appreciate that staff will be busy taking the additional actions required to keep your loved one safe. Although I know you will want to call and check on your loved one, the best way for you to help at this time is to wait patiently for communications from the nursing home. Please help us to help your loved one by limiting calls to the home to only those that are absolutely necessary.
As information becomes available regarding test results and outbreak status it will be shared with the families without delay.
October 6, 2021
Closed Thanksgiving Weekend
Following the Premier’s announcement yesterday (October 5, 2021) limiting gatherings to single households for Thanksgiving weekend, Kiwanis Nursing Home has made the very difficult decision close our doors to visitors on October 9th, 10th, and 11th.
It is hard to be separated from our loved ones, especially during holidays when we would normally all be together. Kiwanis Nursing Home staff will do everything we can to ensure your family members have a wonderful holiday. We have lots of activities planned over the weekend including a Ted Talk on the topic of thankfulness (our seniors love to learn!), a hymn sing, a collaborative art project, and all time favorite among our residents – BINGO!
Our kitchen will be bustling this weekend, as I am sure yours will be. The Kiwanis chef, Patrick, will be in the kitchen with our dietary staff on Saturday prepping. A full turkey dinner with all the fixings will be served to our residents at high noon on Sunday. Of course, there will be homemade pumpkin desserts served as well!
I notice there is some fun and fitness planned for Monday. Coincidence, or is that intentional to work off those turkey dinners? 😉
Please have a safe and happy holiday weekend and know that we will be here for your loved ones to ensure they also are safe and happy.
Extended Weekday Hours
Our home is open to fully vaccinated visitors, however, as it is necessary to monitor the front door, entry to the home is restricted to the hours the Administrative Office is open.
Some of our wonderful administrative staff have stepped up and offered to work longer hours to allow families and friends more access.
Please remember to thank them if you happen to be visiting during the evenings. They are giving up time with their families so that you can have time with yours!
Our new extended hours are:
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Weekends: No visitation
We sincerely hope this will make it easier for family and friends to visit.
10:00 AM - 1 PM
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
September 29, 2021
Additional evening access hours added for TODAY!!
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
We continue to thank our volunteers who are making after hours access possible! THANK YOU.
September 28, 2021
Our community is being very generous with their time! There are volunteers at the door every evening this week except for Monday.
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
5:00PM - 6:30 PM
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
September 24, 2021
Hello Family and Friends,
Thanks to some very generous individuals who have volunteered their time we will be able to allow entry to previously registered visitors at the following times this weekend:
• Saturday, September 25, 1 pm – 3:45 pm.
• Sunday, September 26, 10:30 am – 4 pm.
Please note: YOU MUST HAVE YOUR GREEN VISITORS PASS WITH YOU as this is how our volunteers know they are able to let you in. If you have not yet gotten a visitors pass please delay your visit this weekend and contact the office next week between 8 am and 5 pm to arrange for your pass.
If you come into the home this weekend please remember to thank the volunteer at the door for making it possible!
Visits are not restricted to these hours. Once you have entered the home, you may stay for your usual length visit.
Nola Carr, Administrator
On Behalf of Staff
Kiwanis Nursing Home
Dear Family and Friends,
Effective September 22, 2021, resident off-site visits will be suspended.
Given the high number of active Covid-19 cases in the province and recent exposures in our area Kiwanis Nursing Home’s residents, in order to limit their risk of exposure, will not be participating in off-site visits for the time being.
We acknowledge the benefits to our residents from the opportunity to join friends and family in enjoying various activities beyond the walls of Kiwanis Nursing home and hope to be able to re-engage with offsite visits very soon!
In the meantime, our home is open to fully vaccinated visitors. Our open visiting hours remain in place, however, as it is necessary to monitor the doors entry to the home is restricted to the following hours:
Monday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Weekends: No visitation*
* Kiwanis is working to arrange for staff or volunteers to be available to allow entry to the home over the weekend.
Proof of Covid-19 Vaccination
Effective September 22, 2021, if you are not fully vaccinated, please DO NOT ENTER the nursing home.
As of September 22, 2021, some New Brunswick businesses will require Proof of Vaccination to access non-essential services. Long-term care facilities, including the Kiwanis Nursing Home, are included on the list of businesses.
You can read more about the Government of New Brunswick’s proof of Covid-19 vaccination requirements at this link Proof of Covid-19 Vaccination (
Registration for Visitors and Volunteers
If you have been fully vaccinated, you can register as a visitor/volunteer of Kiwanis Nursing home. You will only be required to register once, and you will receive a pass that you must have with you to enter the home.
You can register in person at the Administration Office from 9 am – 5 pm Monday through Friday, or email scans/photos of your documents to [email protected].
The documents required to register are:
1. Proof of vaccination
2. Photo ID
Restricted Hours of Entry
Open visiting hours are most line with the principals of person-centered care that Kiwanis Nursing Home believes are in the best interest of our residents. We believe that residents should be able to decide when they would like to accept visitors, just as they would have in their own homes. Friends and family play a huge role in the emotional well-being of our residents.
Kiwanis Nursing Home will not be changing our visiting policy; however, it will be necessary to monitor the doors and entry to the home will need to be restricted to times when staff or volunteers are available to let visitors in.
Although the visiting policy has not changed, entry to the home will be restricted to the following hours:
Monday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Weekends: No visitation*
* Kiwanis is working to arrange for staff or volunteers to be available to allow entry to the home over the weekend.
Greeter - Volunteers Wanted
The Kiwanis Nursing Home is looking for fully vaccinated volunteers to greet visitors to the nursing home.
If you are able to commit an hour (or more) on a regularly scheduled basis during the evening or on weekends, if you are friendly and welcoming, and if you would like to help your neighbors at the Kiwanis Nursing Home, we would love to have you as a volunteer Greeter.
Greeters hang out in our comfortable lobby area and allow visitors with passes entry into the home. There is no requirement for you to screen visitors or determine vaccination status.
If this is something that is of interest to you, please contact [email protected] or call 506-434-4929.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Nola Carr, Administrator
On Behalf of Staff
Kiwanis Nursing Home
September 2, 2021
Dear Residents, families and friends,
As I am sure you are aware, the 2021 Canadian Federal election will take place on September 20, 2021.
As it is difficult for our residents to get out to vote, Elections Canada will have a polling station (for residents only) at the Kiwanis Nursing Home prior to the official date of the election. Our residents will be voting on Monday, September 13, 2021, beginning at 9 am.
If a person cannot read or write, or needs help to physically mark the ballot, they can vote with the assistance of a friend, family member or a Ballot Issuing Officer or Special Voting Officer, as long as the voter is able to clearly instruct the person assisting them as to who they wish to vote for. A friend or family member may assist only one person during the election.
Nola Carr, CPA, CA
Kiwanis Nursing Home
August 18, 2021
We are very excited to announce that our resident wi-fi is up and running! We encourage all residents and families to get connected! If any problems are encountered, please let the office know.
Nola Carr, Administrator
On Behalf of Staff
Kiwanis Nursing Home
July 30, 2021
Subject: Return to Green
Dear Kiwanis Residents, family, and friends,
As our province now moves to “Green” we are very happy to be able to fully reopen to visitors. Some preventative measures and safety protocols will remain in place on an interim basis as we monitor and evaluate the impact of lifting of restrictions for the general population, however most restrictions at the home are being lifted.
The changes will take place beginning Tuesday, August 3, 2021, and are outlined below.
All visitors are welcome at the home, including children of all ages. Booking visits is no longer required and the visitation hours are open.
Visitors are asked to self-screen at the door, put on a fresh mask, and sanitize their hands and any items they are brining into the home.
Masks must be worn in the common areas of the home, both inside and in the courtyards.
Visitors may remove their masks when visiting their loved one in private rooms provided this is the resident's preference, however, if visitors or the resident are not fully vaccinated, they are strongly encouraged to always wear their masks.
Pets are once again welcome. The Pet Owner Certification form must be completed with the office prior to the visit.
Off-site Visits
Off-site visits must be pre-arranged by contacting the office at least 24 hours before the visit by calling 432-3118 ext. 101, during office hours, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. There is some paperwork to be completed to to ensure all necessary care needs can be met during the off-site visit.
Although visits can only be requested during the week, the visits themselves may occur any day of the week between 10 am and 8 pm. Please make sure to plan ahead for your off-site visit.
We are so pleased to welcome visitors back to the home. We hope to see you soon!
Nola Carr, Administrator
On Behalf of Staff
Kiwanis Nursing Home
July 16, 2021
Subject: Easing Covid-19 Restrictions
Dear Kiwanis Residents, family, and friends,
As our province moves forward on the “Path to Green” we are very happy to be able to reduce some of the restrictions that have been in place at our home. These changes will take place beginning Monday, July 19, 2021 and are outlined below.
Designated Support Persons (DSP) Visits
There continues to be two (2) designated support Persons for each Resident and visits will be booked with Lisa, our pandemic screener, by calling 434-4929. Screening continues as usual and upon entry you will be given a new surgical mask, which must always be worn during the visit. DSPs are not permitted to eat or drink during the visit; however, you can bring a meal or treat for your loved one.
What’s new:
• Isolation gowns will no longer be required upon entry, a change that we expect will have you feeling cooler and more comfortable during your visits.
• With the addition of summer students to our staff, the home is now able to accommodate DSP visits on the weekends. Please be patient as our students screen you in. For the safety of our Residents if they are uncertain or unclear about any aspect of your screening, they have been requested to seek guidance from a permanent staff member. At times, this may slow down the process. Thank you for your understanding.
• Visiting maybe extended to the courtyard, lounges, dining rooms, walking the hall or the perimeter of the building with your loved one.
As always, please do not visit if you are experiencing any signs or symptoms. Continue to practice safe visiting and maintain social distances from other Residents.
General Visitors
We have been welcoming general visitors for pre-arranged visits up to 45 minutes long booked with Lisa, our pandemic screener, by calling 434-4929. These visits, which are socially distanced, are held in a meeting space that can accommodate 2 guests (in addition to the Resident).
What’s New:
• Now that the weather is nicer, we welcome general visitors to book an outdoor visit in our back courtyard gazebo. Outdoor visitation will be 45 minutes, socially distanced and may have up to four (4) guests ages 12 and up.
Off-site Visits
We are so pleased that our Residents will be able to join their family and friends for outings. Everyone has been cooped up for much too long!
What’s new:
• Off-site visits for non-essential reasons are now permitted and encouraged!
• These visits may include taking your loved one for a drive, visiting your family, or a meal at a restaurant. All infection prevention protocols, and Public Health measures must be adhered to for off-site visitation (masking, safe transportation, and hand hygiene).
Important guidelines for off-site visits:
o Indoor gatherings are limited to 20 or fewer individuals.
o Outdoor gatherings must be able to respect two-meter social distancing.
o All contacts must be aged 12 or older.
The following process will be followed to confirm safety and security of all parties during off premises visits:
• Off site visits must occur in the company of the Resident’s designated support person, who is relied upon to uphold the protocols put in place. Thus, only DSPs may request an off-site visit.
• Off-site visits must be pre-arranged by contacting Lisa, our pandemic screener, by calling 434-4929, during screening hours, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. There is some paperwork to be completed prior to the visit.
• Although visits can only be requested during the week, the visits themselves may occur any day of the week between 10 am and 8 pm. Please make sure to plan ahead for your off-site visit!
One final change…
External items brought to the home for Residents will no longer require a “quarantine period” however they will be disinfected. It is suggested that plants and flowers coming into the home have an exterior wrap which can be removed once delivered to the home.
We sincerely hope that these changes will make it easier for our Residents to share time with their family and friends. We want everyone to be able to safely enjoy the summer months in one another’s company.
Nola Carr, Administrator
On behalf of staff
Kiwanis Nursing Home
June 22, 2021
We are excited to announce visitation changes for the long-term care sector.
Effective immediately, the following applies:
-Each resident will now be allowed 2 Designated Support People (increased from 1 previously)
-New DSPs will be appointed by the residents Power of Attorney and still need to complete education, sign a waiver, and follow policies/procedures
-DSP visits must still be coordinated with our Pandemic Support Worker, Lisa, by calling 434-4929
-Visitors who are from outside of the Atlantic Travel Bubble who are exempted from isolation because of vaccination status (or 1 dose + negative test), must submit proof of vaccination and/or testing PRIOR to visitation being booked. Proof must be submitted to [email protected]
Please see the most up-to-date screening questions below (dated June 17, 2021).
We will keep you updated with any additional information as the situation evolves.
Yours Truly,
Jane, Christine, Brittany and Sam