Board and Leadership

The Kiwanis Nursing Home is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, who assume legal and moral responsibility for the Home. The Leadership team assume responsibility to act and make decisions in line with governing policies and in the best interest of the Home.

Board of Directors

Jim Gerrish, Greater Sussex - Board Chair         

Mark Davidson, Greater Sussex

Patrick Sullivan, Greater Sussex

Patricia Etheridge, Greater Sussex

Julie Booth, Greater Norton

Alan DeWinter, Greater Sussex

Graham Milner, Greater Sussex

Vanessa Coggan, Greater Sussex

Crystal Gray, Greater Sussex

Barb Bickerton, Greater Sussex

Leadership Team

Christine Corbett – Administrator

[email protected] 432-3118 Ext 105

Mark Cooper – Comptroller

[email protected] 432-3118 Ext 106

Susan Anderson – Director of Nursing

[email protected] 432-3118 Ext 112

Cai Lim – Support Services Manager

[email protected]   432-3118 Ext 115

Sam Corbett – Human Resources Manager

[email protected]    432-3118 Ext 121